Monday, July 4, 2011

Kepenatan ( ^ . ^ )

Lame gak x update blog. Ape x nye, keje mcm org giler. Xpandang kiri kanan, bidalannye laa. Kepenatan yg mcm mne tah. Bole di kate kan, kaki nie da naek sakit dah. LOL.

To make the story more interesting. Cite bnde-bnde yang mizi buat jee laa, i mean yg interesting to tell you guys laa. Dalam minggu lps, mizi ade pergi TATU PDRM show, agak gempak plus bosan plus cuci mate, sbb abg abg askar ramai, abg abg polis ade, abg abg tentera darat dan laut pun ade. But thats not really the point why im going there. The point is, to appreciate all the army and the police for their work, protect the country from crime. And its one of the way to give them support by watching their performance. Its quite enjoying in that moment. Its not to much to tell the story about it.

Second story, cite pasal tmpt keje consider menarik ke??. Xade ape sngt pn dkt tmpt keje, standard la melayan kerenah customer yang kadang kadang seronok untuk di layan, atau kadang kadang yang agak annoying mcm mne tah. But as u know the concept of hospitality kan. CUSTOMER ALWAYS RIGHT. Memangjang betol je la. LOL.

Xbest klau layan customer yang dah tua and bnyk laa cekadak nye, lps tue nk discount discount. Ape ingat kedai cop mak ayah nyer. LOL.

Ohh..nak mandi, nie pn baru abiz keje, penat sngt sngt dari pkul 7.30am-7.00pm.
Keje goment pn x mcm nie..ahaha..chow.

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